1000 Books Before Kindergarten


at the Brown County Public Library!


1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a national incentive designed to promote reading aloud in order to help kids get ready to read on their own! 1000 books may sound like a lot, but once you start, you will see just how easy it is to do. If you read just one book a day you will have read 365 books in a year!

*The program is simple- Read books (any books) with your child! Fill in a feather on your log sheet for each book read. Reading the same books multiple times counts, and is a great way for kids to take ownership over their reading habits. After one hundred books, come back to the library for your next sheet and a sticker! Feel free to write in the titles of favorite books along the way on the back of the log sheet.

*Incentives– Along the way, your child will get small prizes and big prizes to keep them going. The starting incentive is a bag and this handy folder! At 500 books your child will receive a book of their very own, and upon completion of the program your child will receive a t-shirt!

*Who can participate? Any child from birth until the age they enter kindergarten.

*How long will this take? The program can take anywhere from a few months to a few years! It’s really up to you and your child.

How many children can participate? All of them! This program is designed for participation from the whole family. Sharing books together is the goal!

*How much does it cost? It’s Free! Anyone can get a library card and have access to thousands of books and materials absolutely free!

*Is there more information somewhere? Yes! Please check out the 1000 books before kindergarten website or here at the library website for more information about this and all of our other exciting programs! browncountylibrary.info

Happy Reading!


Children and Teen Librarian