Please read our Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the library located?
The Main branch is located at 205 Locust Lane in Nashville, Indiana. The Cordry-Sweetwater branch is located at 8751 Nineveh Road in Nineveh, Indiana.
Do I need a library card to access the Internet on the public computers?
No, you do not. You may ask for a guest pass at the desk and login to the public computers without having a library card. Please refer to our Internet Policy regarding using the Internet.
Do you have free Wi-Fi?
Yes, we do! Please read our Internet and Computer Use Policy
Do you offer e-books and downloadable audiobooks?
From the STEAM AND DOWNLOAD tab on our home page, check out OverDrive
and hoopla. Use 1234 for your pin number. Call us @ 812-988-2850 or Contact Us, if you have questions.
Who can get a library card, and how?
Any resident or property owner and their family members in Brown County are eligible for a library card, regardless of age. To get a library card you will need a photo ID and another valid form of identification that shows your current address. Valid forms of identification would include a valid voter registration card, apartment lease signed within the last 60 days, a bank statement issued within the last 60 days, a utility bill issued within the last 60 days, or a property tax receipt. If your driver’s license is up-to-date, that’s all you need!
Patrons under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian sign their library card. The parent or guardian must provide a photo ID and identification stating their current address.
Read our complete Circulation Policy .
What kind of materials are available at the library?
You will find materials for adults, teens and children at the BCPL.
In our Children’s Department we have picture books, beginning readers, popular series books, fiction and non-fiction for all reading levels, graphic novels, magazines, books on CD, Playaways, Playaway Videos, Playaway Views, DVDs, tablets with games, ukulele’s, and more.
Teens and adults can find magazines, newspapers, fiction and non-fiction books, audiobooks on CD, Mp3 CD, and Playaways, DVDs and downloadable eBooks and eaudiobooks. We also have a large-print collection of fiction and non-fiction titles.
Is there a limit on the number of items I can check out?
Adults (18 or older) have a limit of 50 items, including 10 DVDs. Teens (13-17) have a limit of 50 items, including 3 DVDs. Children (12 or younger) have a limit of 50 items as well, including 3 children’s DVDs.
Only adult cards can checkout R rated and Not Rated films. Teen cards can check out G, PG, PG13, documentary films and most TV shows. Child cards can check out movies located in the Juvenile DVD collection, only.
How long is the check-out period for materials?
A patron must present a card in good standing (fines under $10.00) to check out materials. All items are loaned out for three weeks with the exception of the Lucky Duck collection, non-instructional DVDs, and museum passes, which are loaned for one week
If you wish to keep an item longer than the two renewal periods you will need to bring the item into the library to check-in and then check-out again. You can renew items online, over the phone or bring them in to renew them. If an item has been requested (placed on hold) by another patron it may not be renewed.
How much are late fees on overdue items?
The Brown County Public Library is now a fine free library. There are no late fees on materials checked out from the library.
What if I damage or lose a book, DVD or other item?
If an item is lost or returned damaged, a fee will be charged. The fee will be based on the original cost of the item. Individual CDs from a set are $10.00 per disc to replace. No refunds are possible. If an item is found after it has already been paid for you may keep it or donate it back to the library. It may be possible to replace the exact item on your own instead of paying the replacement fee; this will be determined on a case by case basis.
What if the library doesn’t have the book I’m looking for?
We can order books, audiobooks, DVDs, music CDs, microfilms, and newspaper articles from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan. Contact us or ask at the desk.
How can I suggest a book for purchase?
If you have a title to suggest to the library for purchase, please fill out our contact us form or let us know when you are next at the library.
How can I suggest a book be reconsidered for the collection?
The library believes each individual has the right to chose what they wish to read and celebrates the freedom to read freely. We do respect your opinions and appreciate your comments. Please fill out a Request for Reconsideration of Library Material form. All requests are presented to the Library Board.
How much does a replacement card cost?
There is a $1.00 fee for replacing a lost card.
Can I donate my books to the library?
We are happy to accept new and gently used books, audiobooks, DVDs and magazines. If items are not selected to be added to the library collection they will be given to the Friends of the Library (FOL). The FOL will make the items available for the public in the Book Nook. A nominal monetary donation is suggested for items leaving the Book Nook. Please, no donations of damaged books, Reader’s Digest condensed books, VHS tapes, magazines older than one year, textbooks or encyclopedia sets.
Can I purchase the two-volume Vital Records of Brown County, Indiana 1882-2000 Volume 1:Births and Volume 2: Deaths at the library?
Yes, you may purchase both volumes for $60 or a single volume for $35.
Where can I find public records for Brown County and the town Nashville?
For the town of Nashville, visit townofnashville.org.
For Brown County, visit doxpop.com for records from 1998-present. For anything older visit the Brown County Recorder’s office at 201 Locust Lane suite 1 or call, 812-988-5462.
When was the library built?
The new library was built in 2000 and dedicated on January 21, 2001.
What is the Library's Mission Statement?
The mission of the Brown County Public Library is to provide materials, services and programs for community residents of all ages for personal enrichment, enjoyment and educational needs in order to inspire lifelong learning, advance knowledge, and strengthen our community in an inviting space dedicated to the cultural heritage of Brown County.