Young Inventor Challenge

Are you young? Are you an inventor? Sign up for the Young Inventor Challenge 2024!

Hundreds of kids get the opportunity to participate in regional Young Inventor Challenge® (YIC) contests hosted year-round. These unique inventor events allow kids to get a head start on their toy and game creations for participation in the Young Inventor Challenge® International Championship in November 2024.

It is highly encouraged that you attend all 4 weeks, and the final judging event is REQUIRED.

  • 7/10 will cover brainstorming
  • 7/17 will cover development of a prototype
  • 7/24 will be play testing
  • 8/21 will be pitch practice
  • 8/23 will be the inventor’s fair and judging – open to the public

For ages 6-18. Registration is required and covers all sessions.

Register for the Young Inventor Challenge Workshops

For ages 6-18.

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Jul 24 2024


5:30 pm