Enjoy the Library Art Collection

“Plum and Peach Bloom” woodblock print by Gustave Baumann
Gift to the Library by Michael Fulton and Judith Stewart · August 2021
The art collection at the Brown County Public Library consists of numerous paintings, textiles, and ceramic pieces by historical and current Brown County artists, donated by library patrons. In addition to artifacts, the library features unique hand-made architectural elements including an interior decorative stair railing and outdoor leaf sculpture by blacksmith Jack Brubaker, stained glass fireplace screen by Ann Ryan Miller, stone bench by sculptor James Connor, and carved limestone relief decoration on the building’s exterior. The latest addition to the collection, a museum-quality print “Plum and Peach Bloom” by Gustave Baumann, was added in August 2021. A brochure of the painting collection highlights is available at the library’s front desk.